圆形吊装带,最大负荷可至3000 吨,有效长度可至100米,安全系数一般采用7:1.6:1。 圆形吊装带是采用高强度聚脂工业长丝(100%PES)制成,内部承载芯采用无极环绕以构成循环状,外部使用100%PES织成不受力的套管对承载芯加以保护。 吊装带维护非常简易,因撞击而造成损害在吊装作业中是很普遍发生危险的,而EA-A型吊装带在强烈撞击下只会扁平化,所以风险为零。 如果吊带严重损坏,将首先是外面的套管破损从而核心的承载芯会暴露出来表示吊装带已经受到损害;在重复的测试中已经显示,如没有可见的外部套管受伤害则内部受损害是不可能出现的,同时,如果内部的承载丝束已经断裂,它将会透过套管而被发现。如果套管上有小的割伤可以用松弛的胶带加以保护,以免更一步的裂开,但必须要仔细检查确定有没有内部的损害才可以继续使用。如果套管上有大的割伤必须由我公司来检查是否可以修复和继续使用
Circular lifting belt, the maximum load can be 3000 tons, the effective length of 100 meters, the safety factor of the general use of 7:1.6:1. Round sling is made of high strength polyester industrial filament 100%PES. The internal bearing cores using electrodeless surround to form a circular shape, the external use of 100%PES woven from the stress of casing of bearing core protected. Lifting belt maintenance is very simple, because of impact damage in the lifting operation is very common risk, and EA-A type of lifting belt in a strong impact will only be flat, so the risk is zero. If the tape is severely damaged, will be the first to be outside the casing damage to the core bearing core exposed said lifting belt has been damaged; in repeated tests have shown that if there is no visible external casing damage internal damage is not possible, at the same time, if the internal bearing tow has been broken, it will be through the casing was found. If casing with small cut can be protected by a relaxation tape, lest further split, but must to carefully check to make sure there is no internal damage before you can continue to use. If a big cut casing must be designed by our company to check whether you can continue to use and repair
地址:中国 . 河北
辰力吊装带 辰力牌吊装带
河北辰力集团销售服务中心 版权所有 2015-2016 冀ICP备15025995号 地址:中国 . 河北 手机:400-0026-370